Sant'Antioco Bike Island, cycle tourism on the island of Sant'Antioco

Itinerary detail

Centro SUD
Tomba dei giganti, Complesso nuragico di Grutti acqua
da Sant’Antioco , itinerario 5 Giallo

The itinerary includes departure from the center of the town of Sant'Antioco towards the outskirts towards a landscape where rocks and Mediterranean scrub blend together to make the climbs gentler. Along the asphalt road you will go up to the Bega Giomitri area, where on the left you will be able to see a dirt path that leads to an old military battery from the Second World War. We will then continue towards Triga, a valley that seems to envelop and hold the path close with its hills and promontories dotted with decaying nuraghi, but not for this reason devoid of charm and charm. Finding ourselves at a crossroads, we will follow the road towards the Piana di Cannai among fields and hay puppets until we reach a dirt path that will take us to the ancient heart of the suburbs among the giants' tombs, the Nuragic complex of Grutti acqua and an evocative old medau. We will continue on the dirt path until the crossroads of the old naval traffic light and then return to the asphalt road towards Fontana Cannai, from here we will continue towards the Maladroxia beach and close the tour with a mixed route between the Su Forru'a beach by car and is Pruinis and the dirt road that nestles between the sea and the pond, a destination for flamingos, to reach the tourist seafront.


Centro SUD

Tomba dei giganti, Complesso nuragico di Grutti acqua

da Sant’Antioco , itinerario 5 Giallo

Start point
da Sant’Antioco , itinerario 5 Giallo


Bike type
MTB, Gravel

Travel distance
32,5 km

Route duration
Recommended time over 3 hours (including breaks)

Route characteristics
57% asphalt, 37% beaten dirt road, 6% challenging dirt road
Percorso circolare

Route levels
Minimum height 2 m
Max height 184 m
Overall height difference 387 m



Rental service with driver

Bike Shuttle

Bicycle transport, roadside assistance;

Guide / Companion

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With the Bikecard  -10%


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Mechanical assistance

Repairs, spare parts and accessories;

With the Bikecard  -10% su accessori e ricambi

Overnight stay

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With the Bikecard  -10%
With the Bikecard  -10%