Sant'Antioco Bike Island, cycle tourism on the island of Sant'Antioco


All Tour proposals are packaged by our Association and sold by certified Travel Agencies guaranteeing all the necessary protections for the user

A margherita

The solution to discover the beauty and history of the area in just a few days, riding your bicycle, "petal by petal".



In linea

The solution for cycling to locations outside the island, and returning to base in complete tranquility aboard comfortable minivans.



Bike Shuttle

The service designed for cycling, based in Sant'Antioco, throughout Southern Sardinia.




Bike Boat & Breakfast

The comfortable boat and bike proposal to discover the mother island, the mines and its surreal industrial archeology linked to it.

Il libro delle anime

“In a remote time, when the glories of the Roman Empire were nothing but a dream and medieval castles not even an imagination, far from the aesthetic canons of the Renaissance, the Nuragic Civilization erected its timeless monuments with the sole essence of stone. The Tomb of the Giants of Su Niu de su Crobu is like a book of souls whose stone pages preserve the deeds of the people who were”

Tour A margherita

From € 60.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

la cornice dell’isola

“Like the frame of a precious picture painted by Nature, walking through it means
cross many places in one, never the same. The variety of landscapes encountered means that the traveler finds himself immersed in continuous discovery”</

Tour A margherita

From € 100.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

Il guardiano della costa

“Immobile and imperturbable with its walls cracked by the sun and soaked in salt, it observes what happens on sea and land. Lonely like a sea hermit, it is at dusk that he becomes the Lord of Light”

Tour A margherita

From € 60.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

L’ultima nave

“Like the last ship of a now vanished fleet, it stands alone on the last hill with its desolate beauty and turns its gaze towards the boundless sea”

Tour A margherita

From €60.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

La via del sale

An evocative route, suitable for lovers of coastal and rural landscapes, where the land and the sea come together in a series of stages full of wonders

Tour In linea

From € 150,00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book


SANT'ANTIOCO BIKE ISLAND expands its borders and arrives on the mainland of Isola Madre. The cruise with bike in tow on board equipped boats offers motorcyclists the relaxation of a pleasant navigation with buffet service, breakfast or lunch. It is the beginning of the fascinating adventure to discover the twentieth-century mining world overlooking the Gulf of Gonnesa. A journey into the epic past of an epic that placed its surreal industrial archeology in extraordinary natural places

Tour Bike Boat & Breakfast

From € 190,00 per person (Min. 4 people)
See details and book

Alla scoperta dei paesi dell’Isola

Dedicated to those who want to immerse themselves in discovering the history of the towns on the island of Sant'Antioco, want to admire a countryside that is still important today for the economy of the area, and to those who want to admire splendid views overlooking the Sardinian sea!</

Tour A margherita

From €60.00 per person (Min 2 people)
See details and book

I siti minerari di Iglesias e la loro gloriosa storia

The Iglesiente, the Sardinian land witness to a glorious mining past recognised throughout the world.

Tour Bike Shuttle

From € 150,00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

Il libro delle anime

“In a remote time, when the glories of the Roman Empire were nothing but a dream and medieval castles not even an imagination, far from the aesthetic canons of the Renaissance, the Nuragic Civilization erected its timeless monuments with the sole essence of stone. The Tomb of the Giants of Su Niu de su Crobu is like a book of souls whose stone pages preserve the deeds of the people who were”

From € 60.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

la cornice dell’isola

“Like the frame of a precious picture painted by Nature, walking through it means
cross many places in one, never the same. The variety of landscapes encountered means that the traveler finds himself immersed in continuous discovery”</

From € 100.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

Il guardiano della costa

“Immobile and imperturbable with its walls cracked by the sun and soaked in salt, it observes what happens on sea and land. Lonely like a sea hermit, it is at dusk that he becomes the Lord of Light”

From € 60.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

L’ultima nave

“Like the last ship of a now vanished fleet, it stands alone on the last hill with its desolate beauty and turns its gaze towards the boundless sea”

From €60.00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

Alla scoperta dei paesi dell’Isola

Dedicated to those who want to immerse themselves in discovering the history of the towns on the island of Sant'Antioco, want to admire a countryside that is still important today for the economy of the area, and to those who want to admire splendid views overlooking the Sardinian sea!</

From €60.00 per person (Min 2 people)
See details and book

La via del sale

An evocative route, suitable for lovers of coastal and rural landscapes, where the land and the sea come together in a series of stages full of wonders

From € 150,00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book

I siti minerari di Iglesias e la loro gloriosa storia

The Iglesiente, the Sardinian land witness to a glorious mining past recognised throughout the world.

From € 150,00 per person (Min. 2 people)
See details and book


SANT'ANTIOCO BIKE ISLAND expands its borders and arrives on the mainland of Isola Madre. The cruise with bike in tow on board equipped boats offers motorcyclists the relaxation of a pleasant navigation with buffet service, breakfast or lunch. It is the beginning of the fascinating adventure to discover the twentieth-century mining world overlooking the Gulf of Gonnesa. A journey into the epic past of an epic that placed its surreal industrial archeology in extraordinary natural places

From € 190,00 per person (Min. 4 people)
See details and book