Sant'Antioco Bike Island, cycle tourism on the island of Sant'Antioco

Tour detail

Alla scoperta dei paesi dell’Isola

Alla scoperta dei paesi dell’Isola

This tour offers a beautiful tour of the north coast of the island, in a stretch characterized by beautiful and various types of landscapes: in fact you will pass from the rural ones, where you can see the Carignano vineyards growing directly on the sand, to the marine landscapes, like the sandy coasts of the eastern part, to the high and rocky ones of the wild western coast. There will be no shortage of stops in the centers of Sant'Antioco, characterized by an important ancient history, and rich in archaeology, in Calasetta, a splendid seaside village, founded by Tabarchina, with its own particular culture.
Per Tutti

Recommended bike
tutte le E-Bikes

Duration (Minutes)
4 ore

Path length
35/40 km

All the year

From €60.00 per person (Min 2 people)

Services included
Tourist / Cycle Tourist Guide

Extra services
Everything not described in included services

Route type
A margherita departing from Info Bike Point Sant’Antioco o Calasetta


Chiedi piu informazioni su questo Tour

Vorrei piu informazioni sul Tour Alla scoperta dei paesi dell’Isola, in particolare:

oppure chiama al +39 379 138 0133


Rental service with driver

Bike Shuttle

Bicycle transport, roadside assistance;

Guide / Companion

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With the Bikecard  -10%


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Mechanical assistance

Repairs, spare parts and accessories;

With the Bikecard  -10% su accessori e ricambi

Overnight stay

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With the Bikecard  -10%
With the Bikecard  -10%